Journals Clinical Orthopaedics and rela...

Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
John P Gibbons, Nina Zeng, Ali Bayan, Matthew L Walker, Bill Farrington, Simon W Young
BACKGROUND: There is continuing debate about the ideal philosophy for component alignment in TKA. However, there are limited long-term functional and radiographic data on randomized comparisons of kinematic alignment versus mechanical alignment. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: We present the 10-year follow-up findings of a single-center, multisurgeon randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing these two alignment philosophies in terms of the following questions: (1) Is there a difference in PROM scores? (2) Is there a difference in survivorship free from revision or reoperation for any cause? (3) Is there a difference in survivorship free from radiographic loosening? METHODS: Ninety-nine patients undergoing primary TKA for osteoarthritis were randomized to either the mechanical alignment (n = 50) or kinematic alignment (n = 49) group...
August 14, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Riley Kahan, Sean Higinbotham, Kassra Garoosi, Alexander Lauder
BACKGROUND: Electric scooters (e-scooters) have become a widely adopted form of transportation. Information regarding the timing, conditions, and context associated with increased frequency of e-scooter-related injuries could inform policy that may potentially reduce associated injuries and healthcare costs. However, this information is lacking, as most research to date has focused on the injury patterns sustained while using e-scooters rather than context. We sought to evaluate these factors in an urban setting and describe how these are evolving over time, as such information may help guide future safety initiatives...
August 13, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Bandele Okelana, Amin Razi, David Ring, Sina Ramtin
BACKGROUND: Moral dissonance is the psychological discomfort associated with a mismatch between our moral values and potentially immoral actions. For instance, to limit moral dissonance, surgeons must develop a rationale that the potential for benefit from performing surgery is meaningfully greater than the inherent harm of surgery. Moral dissonance can also occur when a patient or one's surgeon peers encourage surgery for a given problem, even when the evidence suggests limited or no benefit over other options...
August 7, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Wayne Hoskins, Roger Bingham, Stephen E Graves, Dylan Harries, Alana R Cuthbert, Sophia Corfield, Paul Smith, Kelly G Vince
BACKGROUND: Many factors, including some related to the patient, implant selection, and the surgeon's skill and expertise, likely contribute to the risk of THA revision. However, surgeon factors have not been extensively analyzed in national joint replacement registries, and there is limited insight into their potential as a confounding variable for revision outcomes; for example, if surgeons with higher revision rates choose more successful prostheses, would this alone reduce their revision rate? QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: This study used Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR) data for patients receiving primary THA for a diagnosis of osteoarthritis to answer the following questions: (1) Will the difference in revision rates among surgeons change or disappear when only procedures performed with the best prostheses or prostheses that have been identified as having higher revision rates are considered? (2) Is the benefit associated with using the best-performing prostheses different among surgeons with different revision rates? (3) Do the reasons for revision differ between surgeons with higher rates of revision compared with surgeons with lower rates of revision? METHODS: All primary THA procedures performed and recorded in the AOANJRR for osteoarthritis from September 1, 1999, to December 31, 2022, were considered for inclusion...
August 6, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Piyabuth Kittithamvongs, Pattraluck Anantasinkul, Sopinun Siripoonyothai, Navapong Anantavorasakul, Kanchai Malungpaishrope, Chairoj Uerpairojkit, Somsak Leechavengvongs
BACKGROUND: After traumatic brachial plexus injuries, despite treatment with appropriate medications, some patients experience uncontrollable pain, which can be devastating. Cannabis-based medicine is considered to have pain-relieving benefits in this situation, but the evidence is limited. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: Is cannabis-based medicine effective compared with the placebo in (1) reducing pain (measured by the VAS for pain) and neuropathic pain (measured by the DN4 questionnaire), and (2) improving sleep quality (measured by the VAS for sleep quality) in patients with traumatic brachial plexus injury? METHODS: This prospective, triple-blinded (the researcher administering the substance, the patients, and the evaluator were all blinded to the substance used), two-period crossover, placebo-controlled, randomized controlled trial was conducted at a single center...
August 6, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Keith E Arnold, Victoria Whitmore, Christian J Hecht, Joshua R Porto, Atul F Kamath
BACKGROUND: Intraoperative fluoroscopy is increasingly common in orthopaedics, although recent guidelines have reduced the maximum recommended exposure to 20 mSv annually. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to comprehensively assess current adherence to exposure guidelines, identify practice settings at increased risk for exposure, and determine the best practices and personal protective equipment for ocular radiation risk mitigation. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: In this systematic review we asked: (1) Is the annual amount of eye irradiation received by orthopaedic surgeons below the recommended limit of 20 mSv? (2) What is the effectiveness of leaded glasses in reducing the eye's exposure to radiation? (3) Which imaging setups and operative techniques reduce ocular irradiation? METHODS: PubMed, Medline, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar were queried on September 28, 2023, to identify studies assessing intraoperative ocular radiation exposure among orthopaedic surgeons...
August 2, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Kim Madden
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 25, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
John H Healey
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 24, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Chia-Che Lee, Chih-Wei Chen, Hung-Kuan Yen, Yen-Po Lin, Cheng-Yo Lai, Jaw-Lin Wang, Olivier Q Groot, Stein J Janssen, Joseph H Schwab, Feng-Ming Hsu, Wei-Hsin Lin
BACKGROUND: Survival estimation for patients with symptomatic skeletal metastases ideally should be made before a type of local treatment has already been determined. Currently available survival prediction tools, however, were generated using data from patients treated either operatively or with local radiation alone, raising concerns about whether they would generalize well to all patients presenting for assessment. The Skeletal Oncology Research Group machine-learning algorithm (SORG-MLA), trained with institution-based data of surgically treated patients, and the Metastases location, Elderly, Tumor primary, Sex, Sickness/comorbidity, and Site of radiotherapy model (METSSS), trained with registry-based data of patients treated with radiotherapy alone, are two of the most recently developed survival prediction models, but they have not been tested on patients whose local treatment strategy is not yet decided...
July 23, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Nancy B Muir, Margo Orlin, Patricia Rubertone, Glenn Williams
BACKGROUND: Periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) surgery presents an opportunity for shared decision-making (SDM) and may be facilitated by decision-making tools. Currently, no diagnosis or treatment-specific decision-making tools exist for this patient population. Understanding patient PAO surgery decision-making experiences and processes would enable development of a treatment-specific decision-making tool and would help hip preservation surgeons with SDM practices. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: Qualitative methodology was used to address the following questions: (1) What were the information support needs of adult patients with hip dysplasia who decided to have PAO? (2) What was important to adult patients with hip dysplasia who decided to have PAO? (3) How did adult patients with hip dysplasia who have undergone PAO experience the surgical decision-making process? (4) What elements of SDM did adult patients with hip dysplasia experience with their surgeons when deciding to have PAO? METHODS: Fifteen volunteer, English-speaking patients in the United States who had been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and who had undergone PAO surgery 6 to 12 months prior to the study were recruited through five PAO surgery Facebook support groups...
July 23, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Melissa Allen
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 19, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Yu-Ting Pan, Yen-Po Lin, Hung-Kuan Yen, Hung-Ho Yen, Chi-Ching Huang, Ming-Hsiao Hu, Wei-Hsin Lin, Hsiang-Chieh Hsieh
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 17, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Yusuke Kohno
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 17, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Joseph Bernstein
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Mariah Balmaceno-Criss, Mary Lou, Jack J Zhou, Chibuokem P Ikwuazom, Carolyn Andrews, Juhayer Alam, Ryan C Scheer, Michael Kuharski, Mohammad Daher, Manjot Singh, Neil V Shah, Jad Bou Monsef, Bassel G Diebo, Carl B Paulino, Alan H Daniels
BACKGROUND: Vertebral fractures are associated with enduring back pain, diminished quality of life, as well as increased morbidity and mortality. Existing epidemiological data for cervical and thoracic vertebral fractures are limited by insufficiently powered studies and a failure to evaluate the mechanism of injury. QUESTION/PURPOSE: What are the temporal trends in incidence, patient characteristics, and injury mechanisms of cervical and thoracic vertebral fractures in the United States from 2003 to 2021? METHODS: The United States National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP) database collects data on all nonfatal injuries treated in US hospital emergency departments and is well suited to capture epidemiological trends in vertebral fractures...
July 16, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Junqing Miao, Haorui Li, Jingzhi Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Rachel M Thompson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
James A Keeney
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
Brett D Haislup
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 15, 2024: Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research
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