Richard A Sturm, Darren J Smit, David L Duffy, Catriona McLean, Richard A Scolyer, Grant A McArthur, Anthony T Papenfuss, Mitchell S Stark, H Peter Soyer, Victoria J Mar
BACKGROUND: A portion of approximately 2-20% of cutaneous melanoma (CM) are diagnosed as amelanotic/hypopigmented melanoma (AHM) and represent a challenge for early diagnosis. OBJECTIVES: Since the degree to which somatic mutations and copy number aberrations (CNA) in genes associated with skin-lightening or albinism may contribute to the loss of tumour pigmentation in AHM samples has not yet been addressed, we have investigated loss of function mutations of key pigmentation genes in matched germline and AHM as well as pigmented melanoma (PM) tumour DNA samples...
August 21, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Sarah E Servattalab, Michelle Lee, Madeline Hlobik, Hannah Song, Jennifer Huang
BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inflammatory skin disorder that is common in children and associated with medical and psychosocial comorbidities. Previous studies have shown that there exist significant racial disparities in healthcare utilization in children with AD; however, literature on disparities in dermatology access is limited. OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this study was to identify differences in diagnosis of AD and access to dermatologic care by race and ethnicity in infants with AD...
August 20, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Pauline O'Reilly, Sarah Walsh, Christopher B Bunker, Sheila Ryan, Pierre-André Natella, Audrey Colin, Jacqueline Simpson, Louise A Barry, Pauline Meskell, Roni Dodiuk-Gad, Alice Coffey, Raja Savarimalai, Donal G Fortune, Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro
BACKGROUND: Much has been documented about the physical sequelae of Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN). Whilst less documented, it is recognised that patients can have long lasting psychological sequelae. There is a lack of qualitative research on the quality of life (QoL) experiences of adults who have been diagnosed with SJS/TEN. OBJECTIVES: To explore the experiences of adults who had SJS/TEN and how these experiences relate to their QoL...
August 20, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Marketa Dimitrov, Christen L Ebens, Jakub Tolar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 20, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Fanny C Kpenou, Carle Paul, Julien Seneschal, Nicolas Andreu, Sébastien Barbarot, Marie Tauber, Pierre-André Natella, Jason Shourick, Khaled Ezzedine
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 18, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Kai-Ni Shen, He Lin, Long Chang, Xin-Xin Cao
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August 16, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Jo Leonardi-Bee, Gloria Sanclemente, Carsten Flohr, Laurence Le Cleach
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August 16, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Kyriaki Stefania Mitsaki, Sumir Chawla, Eirini E Merika
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 16, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Zachary Wendland, Katelyn Rypka, Claire Herzog, Lindsey Greenlund, Travis Fulk, Amy Gravely, Anders Westanmo, Amit Garg, Noah Goldfarb
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August 16, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Natsumi Hama, Shigeki Aoki, Chun-Bing Chen, Akito Hasegawa, Youichi Ogawa, Marc Vocanson, Hideo Asada, Chia-Yu Chu, Cheng-Che E Lan, Roni P Dodiuk-Gad, Toshiharu Fujiyama, Tyng-Shiuan Hsieh, Kousei Ito, Elina Jerschow, Yoshiko Mizukawa, Saeko Nakajima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Jean-François Nicolas, Takashi K Satoh, Tatsuo Shiohara, Hayato Takahashi, Mikiko Tohyama, Takahiro Ueda, Katsuaki Ura, Hideaki Watanabe, Yukie Yamaguchi, Thierry M Nordmann, Wen-Hung Chung, Dean Naisbitt, Carlo Pincelli, Werner J Pichler, Lars E French, Elizabeth Phillips, Riichiro Abe
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) represent a severe spectrum of rare mucocutaneous reactions, primarily drug-induced and characterized by significant morbidity and mortality. These conditions manifest through extensive skin detachment, distinguishing them from other generalized skin eruptions. The rarity and severity of SJS/TEN underscore the importance of accurate diagnostic criteria and effective treatments, which are currently lacking consensus. This review proposes new diagnostic criteria to improve specificity and global applicability...
August 14, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Patricia Garbayo-Salmons, Aida Lara-Moya, Sofia Haselgruber, Eva Vilarrasa, Antonio Martorell, Marta Gamissans, Ignes Gracia-Darder, Rafael S Aguayo-Ortiz, Cristina Ciudad, Raquel Rivera-Díaz, Veronica Mora-Fernandez, Jorge Romaní, Joan Garcias-Ladaria, Rosa Fornons-Servent, Diana Fuertes Bailón, Alejandro Molina-Leyva
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 13, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Sumanth Chennareddy, Katharina Rindler, John R Ruggiero, Natalia Alkon, Emry R Cohenour, Sophia Tran, Wolfgang Weninger, Johannes Griss, Constanze Jonak, Patrick M Brunner
BACKGROUND: Malignant clones of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) can show a CD4, CD8 or TCR-γδ phenotype, but their individual impact on tumor biology and skin lesion formation remains ill-defined. OBJECTIVES: To perform a comprehensive molecular characterization of CD4+ vs. CD8+ and TCR-γ/δ+ CTCL lesions. METHODS: We performed scRNA-seq of 18 CTCL skin biopsies to compare classic CD4+ advanced-stage mycosis fungoides (MF) with TCR-γ/δ+MF and primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma (Berti's lymphoma)...
August 12, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Christophe Bontoux, Marine Badrignans, Sivem Afach, Emilie Sbidian, Diana-Laure Mboumba, Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro, Alexis Claudel, Marie-Hélène Aubriot-Lorton, Arnaud Chong-Si-Tsaon, Gilles Le Masson, Christophe Attencourt, Romain Dubois, Fanny Beltzung, Wafa Koubaa, Helmut Beltraminelli, Nathalie Cardot-Leccia, Brigitte Balme, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Kelly Bagny, Delphine Legoupil, Ibtissam Moustaghfir, Juliette Denamps, Laurent Mortier, Houda Hammami-Ghorbel, Sergey Skrek, Mostefa Rafaa, Anne-Claire Fougerousse, Thibaut Deschamps, Stéphane Dalle, Michel D'incan, Guillaume Chaby, Marie Beylot-Barry, Sophie Dalac, Nicolas Ortonne
BACKGROUND: Mycosis fungoides (MF) has usually an indolent course. However, some patients develop a more aggressive disease and few prognostic parameters have been identified. Isolated cases of pustular MF (pMF) suggest an unfavourable prognosis. OBJECTIVES: We aim to describe the clinico-pathological characteristics and prognostic value of pMF. METHODS: We retrospectively collected data of all cases of MF with histological pustules diagnosed from 2009 to 2020...
August 12, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Seong Rae Kim, Young-Geun Choi, Seong Jin Jo
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August 6, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Andrew R Thompson, Christos Tziotzios, John Nesnas, Rowena Randall, Maciej Czachorowski, Andrew Messenger
BACKGROUND: Alopecia areata (AA) is an immune-mediated form of hair loss that can occur at any age, often with a significant mental health burden. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to provide estimates of the lifetime incidence of AA, and the impacts on mental health, healthcare utilisation and work-related outcomes, assessing variation across major sociodemographic subgroups. METHODS: AA cases were identified in primary care from the UK population-based Oxford-Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre database (2009-2018)...
August 6, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Bhaskar Narayan, Leila Asfour
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August 6, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Ying Fang, Jingyi Qi, Yixuan Jiang, Zhijing Lin, Renjie Chen, Haidong Kan, Yue Niu
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August 5, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Oriana Carswell, Jody Tate, Falk G Bechara, Marie-France Bru-Daprés, Susanne De Goeij, Angela Gibbons, Silvia Lobo Benito, Susan Poelman, Francesca Prignano, Annette Rosenberg, Chevonne Smellie
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 5, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Junfen Zhang, Bin Yang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 5, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
Cathal O'Connor, Lauren Passby, Carly Fields, John McGrath, Edel A O'Toole, Neil Rajan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 31, 2024: British Journal of Dermatology
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