Journals American Journal of Transplant...

American Journal of Transplantation
Lynn D Cornell, Ilkka Helanterä
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August 30, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Verena Broecker, Frederic Toulza, Mats Brännström, Angela Ernst, Candice Roufosse, Marie Carbonnel, Zeinab Alkattan, Johan Mölne
Uterus transplantation is being more widely implemented in clinical practice. Monitoring of rejection is routinely done on cervical biopsies and is dependent on histopathological assessment, as rejections are clinically silent and non-histological biomarkers are missing. Until this gap is filled, it is important to corroborate the histopathological diagnosis of rejection through independent methods such as gene expression analysis. In this study, we compared our previously published scoring system for grading rejection in uterus transplant cervical biopsies to the gene expression profile in the same biopsy...
August 29, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Briget da Graca, Matthew Snoddy, Conner Fischbach, Sudha Ramakrishnan, Macey L Levan, Brendan Parent, Giuliano Testa, Anji Wall
Use of normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) to enable organ reconditioning and assessment in donation after circulatory determination of death (DCD) is controversial. We conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed articles, news media, legal literature, and professional society position statements addressing ethical and/or legal issues in use of NRP in controlled DCD from January 1, 2005 to January 5, 2024. Thematic analysis, assessing the four principles of bioethics (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) and sub-themes identified within each, was conducted for the 112 publications meeting inclusion criteria...
August 29, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Lara C Pullen
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August 28, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Babak J Orandi
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August 28, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Priyanka Rashmi, Charles G Rickert, James M Gardner
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August 28, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Rocio Lopez, Sumit Mohan, S Ali Husain, Miko Yu, Susana Arrigain, Deena Brosi, Jordan Rh Hoffman, Kenneth R McCurry, Bruce Kaplan, Elizabeth A Pomfret, Jesse D Schold
Organ transplantation is a life-saving treatment for end-stage organ failure patients, but the US faces a shortage of available organs. US policies incentivize identifying recipients for all recovered organs. Technological advancements have extended donor organ viability, creating new opportunities for long-distance transport and international sharing. We aimed to assess organ exports from deceased US donors to candidates abroad, a component of allocation policy allowed without suitable domestic candidates...
August 27, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Aaron Wong, Allen Duong, Gavin Wilson, Jonathan Yeung, Sonya MacParland, Hong Han, Marcelo Cypel, Shaf Keshavjee, Mingyao Liu
Ischemia reperfusion is an unavoidable step of organ transplantation. Development of therapeutics for lung injury during transplantation has proved challenging; understanding lung injury from human data at the single cell resolution is required to accelerate the development of therapeutics. Donor lung biopsies from six human lung transplant cases were collected at the end of cold preservation and 2-hour reperfusion and underwent single cell RNA sequencing. Donor and recipient origin of cells from the reperfusion timepoint were deconvolved...
August 26, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Marcus R Pereira
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August 23, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Mostafa K Ismail, Tetsuro Araki, Warren B Gefter, Yoshikazu Suzuki, Allie Raevsky, Aya Saleh, Sophia Yusuf, Abigail Marquis, Alyster Alcudia, Ian Duncan, Douglas E Schaubel, Edward Cantu, Rahim Rizi
Lung size measurements play an important role in transplantation, as optimal donor-recipient size matching is necessary to ensure the best possible outcome. While several strategies for size matching are currently used, all have limitations, and none has proven superior. In this pilot study, we leveraged deep learning and computer vision to develop an automated system for generating standardized lung size measurements using portable chest radiographs to improve accuracy, reduce variability, and streamline donor/recipient matching...
August 23, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Luckmini N Liyanage, Daniyar Akizhanov, Suhani S Patel, Dorry L Segev, Allan B Massie, Darren E Stewart, Sommer E Gentry
Since 2021, the OPTN has reported a nearly 10-fold rise in out-of-sequence (OOS) kidney allocation, generating concern and halting development of continuous distribution policies. We report contemporary (2022-2023) practice patterns in OOS allocation using OPTN data. We examined in sequence vs. OOS donors with multivariable logistic regression and skipped vs. OOS-accepting recipients with conditional logistic regression. Nearly 20% of kidney placements were OOS, varying from 0% to 43% across OPOs; the 5 highest-OOS OPOs accounted for 29% of all OOS...
August 23, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Sameer Patel, Clemens Guttman, Robert Loveridge, Tasneem Pirani, Chris Willars, Andre Vercueil, Milena Angelova-Chee, Varuna Aluvihare, Michael Heneghan, Krishna Menon, Nigel Heaton, William Bernal, Mark McPhail, Elton Gelandt, Lisa Morgan, Michael Whitehorne, Julia Wendon, Georg Auzinger
Data on peri-operative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in liver transplantation (LT) are scarce. ECMO has been used pre-, intra-, and postoperatively for a variety of indications at our centre. This retrospective, single centre study of ECMO use peri-LT aimed to describe predictors for successful outcome in this highly select cohort of patients. Demographics, support method and indication for LT were compared between survivors and non-survivors. Twenty-nine patients received: veno-venous (V-V) (n=20); veno-arterial (V-A) (n=8); and veno-arteriovenous (V-AV) (n=1) ECMO...
August 23, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Eric A Engels, Soutrik Mandal, Douglas A Corley, Christopher D Blosser, Allyson Hart, Charles F Lynch, Baozhen Qiao, Karen S Pawlish, Gregory Haber, Kelly J Yu, Ruth M Pfeiffer
A previous cancer diagnosis can preclude patients from consideration for solid organ transplantation. Statistical models may improve candidate selection. We fitted statistical cure models and estimated five-year cancer-specific survival (5yCSS) for colorectal cancer patients in the United States using registry data. The median cure probability at cancer diagnosis for patients in the general population was 0.67. Among 956 colorectal cancer patients who underwent solid organ transplantation, the median time since diagnosis was 6...
August 23, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Li Xiao
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August 22, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Christian T J Magyar, Zhihao Li, Laia Aceituno, Marco P A W Claasen, Tommy Ivanics, Woo Jin Choi, Luckshi Rajendran, Blayne A Sayed, Roxana Bucur, Nadia Rukavina, Nazia Selzner, Anand Ghanekar, Mark Cattral, Gonzalo Sapisochin
Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is a curative treatment for various liver diseases, reducing waitlist times and associated mortality. We aimed to assess the overall survival (OS), identify predictors for mortality, and analyze differences in risk factors over time. Adult patients undergoing LDLT were selected from the United Network for Organ Sharing database from inception (1987) to 2023. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for analysis, and multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were conducted...
August 18, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Al-Faraaz Kassam, David A Axelrod, Sunil K Geevarghese
Moral injury in healthcare is characterized as the lasting psychological, biological, and social impact on providers which occurs following an adverse patient outcome. Moral injury can contribute to second victim syndrome and lasting psychological harm. While many surgeons face moral injury due to patient acuity and the potential for intraoperative or post operative complications, the transplant ecosystem compounds the impact of moral injury. Institutional blame placed on the transplant surgeon following a post-transplant death or graft loss is magnified by public reporting...
August 17, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Hye-Mee Kwon, Jae Hwan Kim, Sung-Hoon Kim, In-Gu Jun, Jun-Gol Song, Deok-Bog Moon, Gyu-Sam Hwang
We evaluated the liver transplantation (LT) criteria in acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), incorporating an urgent living-donor LT (LDLT) program. Critically ill patients with a Chronic Liver Failure-Consortium-ACLF score (CLIF-C_ACLF_score)≥65, previously considered unsuitable for LT, were included to explore the mortality threshold of the CLIF-C_ACLF_score (CLIF-C_ACLF_score_threshold). We followed 854 consecutive patients with ACLF (276 ACLF-2 and 215 ACLF-3) over 10 years among 4432 LT recipients between 2008 and 2019...
August 16, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Amelie Kurnikowski, Espen Nordheim, Elisabeth Schwaiger, Simon Krenn, Jürgen Harreiter, Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, Michael Leutner, Johannes Werzowa, Andrea Tura, Klemens Budde, Kathrin Eller, Julio Pascual, Michael Krebs, Trond Geir Jenssen, Manfred Hecking
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August 14, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Manuel Luis Rodríguez-Perálvarez, Avik Majumdar, Emmanuel Tsochatzis
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August 14, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
Inge Jonkman, Maaike M E Jacobs, Yutaka Negishi, Cansu Yanginlar, Joost H A Martens, Marijke Baltissen, Michiel Vermeulen, Martijn W F van den Hoogen, Marije Baas, Johan van der Vlag, Zahi A Fayad, Abraham J P Teunissen, Joren C Madsen, Jordi Ochando, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Willem J M Mulder, Musa M Mhlanga, Luuk B Hilbrands, Nils Rother, Raphaël Duivenvoorden
The innate immune system plays an essential role in regulating the immune responses to kidney transplantation, but the mechanisms through which innate immune cells influence long-term graft survival are unclear. The current study highlights the vital role of trained immunity in kidney allograft survival. Trained immunity describes the epigenetic and metabolic changes that innate immune cells undergo following an initial stimulus, allowing them have a stronger inflammatory response to subsequent stimuli. We stimulated healthy peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with pre- and post-transplantation serum of kidney transplant patients, and immunosuppressive drugs in an in vitro trained immunity assay and measured tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine levels in the supernatant as a readout for trained immunity...
August 13, 2024: American Journal of Transplantation
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