Huimei Lu, Yuan Wang, Shipra Chaudhary, Varshita Balaga, Hua Ke, Fuqian Shi, Jingmei Liu, Yangyin Huo, Peter J Romanienko, Bing Xia, Subhajyoti De, Chang S Chan, Zhiyuan Shen
Germline mutations of homologous-recombination (HR) genes are among the top contributors to medulloblastomas. A significant portion of human medulloblastomas exhibited genomic signatures of HR defects. We asked whether ablation of Brca2, Palb2, and their related Brca1 and Bccip genes, in the mouse brain can differentially initiate medulloblastomas. We established conditional knockout mouse models of these HR-genes, and a conditional knockdown of Bccip (shBccip-KD). Deletion of any of these genes led to microcephaly and neurological defects, with Brca1- and Bccip- producing the worst...
August 19, 2024: American Journal of Pathology