Journals American Journal of Geriatric ...

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
David L Coulter
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May 11, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
David A Brent
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May 11, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Soyoung Lee, Benjamin S Zide, Stephan T Palm, William J Drew, Reisa A Sperling, Heidi I L Jacobs, Shan H Siddiqi, Nancy J Donovan
OBJECTIVE: Anxiety disorders and subsyndromal anxiety symptoms are highly prevalent in late life. Recent studies support that anxiety may be a neuropsychiatric symptom during preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) and that higher anxiety is associated with more rapid cognitive decline and progression to cognitive impairment. However, the associations of specific anxiety symptoms with AD pathologies and with co-occurring subjective and objective cognitive changes have not yet been established...
May 4, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Zhenwei Zhai, Fanjing Kong, Zhishan Zhu, Jingyi Dai, Jie Cai, Danni Xie, Yuzhao Shen, Ying Xu, Tao Sun
OBJECTIVE: Immunotherapy has been reported to ameliorate Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the animal model; however, the immunologic approaches and mechanisms have not been specifically described. Thus, the systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to explore the effect and potential mechanism of immunotherapy on AD animal experiments based on behavioral indicators. METHODS: According to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines and the inclusion/exclusion criteria of immunotherapy in animal studies, 15 studies were systematically reviewed after extraction from a collected database of 3,742 publications...
May 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Dhamidhu Eratne, Alexander F Santillo
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April 28, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Miaoran Lin, Weilin Liu, Chuyi Ma, Jiahui Gao, Li Huang, Jingfang Zhu, Shengxiang Liang, Youze He, Jiao Liu, Jing Tao, Zhizhen Liu, Jia Huang, Zhifu Wang, Lidian Chen
OBJECTIVES: The study was designed to identify the potential peripheral processes of circulating exosome in response to Tai Chi (TC) exercise and the possibility of its loaded cargos in mediating the effects of TC training on cognitive function among older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a multicenter randomized controlled trial. One hundred community-dwelling old adults with aMCI were randomly assigned (1:1) to experimental (n = 50) and control groups (n = 50)...
April 26, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Golnaz L Atefi, Wei Qi Koh, Gianna Kohl, Mohammad Seydavi, Joshua K Swift, Mehdi Akbari, Marjolein E de Vugt
OBJECTIVE: Online interventions hold promise in supporting the well-being of family caregivers and enhancing the quality of care they provide for individuals with long-term or chronic conditions. However, dropout rates from support programs among specific groups of caregivers, such as caregivers of people with dementia, pose a challenge. Focused reviews are needed to provide more accurate insights and estimates in this specific research area. METHODS: A meta-analysis of dropout rates from available online interventions for family caregivers of people with dementia was conducted to assess treatment acceptability...
April 24, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Wenjun Gui, Xiaoyu Cui, Jingwen Miao, Xinyi Zhu, Juan Li
OBJECTIVE: The study was designed to examine the effects of simultaneous combination of aerobic exercise and video game training on executive functions (EFs) and brain functional connectivity in older adults. DESIGN: A four-armed, quasi-experimental study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling adults aged 55 years and older. METHODS: A total of 97 older adults were divided into one of four groups: aerobic exercise (AE), video game (VG), combined intervention (CI), and passive control (PC)...
April 21, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Yaqing Gao, Binbin Su, Lei Ding, Danial Qureshi, Shenda Hong, Jie Wei, Chao Zeng, Guanghua Lei, Junqing Xie
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the association of regular opioid use, compared with non-opioid analgesics, with incident dementia and neuroimaging outcomes among chronic pain patients. DESIGN: The primary design is a prospective cohort study. To triangulate evidence, we also conducted a nested case-control study analyzing opioid prescriptions and a cross-sectional study analyzing neuroimaging outcomes. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Dementia-free UK Biobank participants with chronic pain and regular analgesic use...
April 21, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Razak M Gyasi, Emelia Aikins, Gift Dumedah, Nelson Gyasi-Boadu, Prince Boakye Frimpong, Mary Sefa Boampong, Daniel Buor, Simon Mariwah, Francis Naab, David R Phillips
OBJECTIVES: Pain is increasingly becoming common among middle-aged and older adults. While research on the association between pain characteristics and sleep problems (SP) is limited in low- and middle-income countries, the underlying mechanisms of the association are poorly understood. This study examines the association of bodily pain intensity and pain interference with SP and investigates the mediating role of activity limitation and emotional distress in this association. METHODS: We analyzed population-based data, including 1,201 individuals aged ≥50 (mean [SD] age 66...
April 20, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Christopher C Colenda
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April 18, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Charles M Lepkowsky
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April 10, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Anat Rotstein
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April 10, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
David L Coulter
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April 9, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Maureen C Nash
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April 5, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Siddharth Khasnavis, Ryan S O'Dell, Christopher H van Dyck, Adam P Mecca
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April 4, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Razak M Gyasi, Nicholas Quansah, Paul Antwi Boateng, Eric Akomeah, Abdul-Fatawu Yakubu, Patience Aku Ahiabli, Emelia Aikins, Obed Jones Owusu-Sarpong, Yunus Dumbe, Michael Nimoh, David R Phillips, André Hajek
OBJECTIVES: Limited data exist on the association between physical activity (PA) and depression in older adults from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In this study, we examine the association between meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) PA guidelines and depression in adults aged ≥50 years in Ghana and investigate the psychosomatic factors explaining this association. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from the Aging, Health, Psychological Well-being, and Health-seeking Behavior Study in Ghana (2016-18) were analyzed...
April 4, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Charles Clark
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April 4, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Charles F Reynolds
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April 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Helen Lavretsky, Anne Margriet Pot
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
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