Maria V Suurna, Eugene N Myers, Sebastian Roesch
Following recent geopolitical events and unification of Europe, the European Union (EU) is currently confronted with health care workforce shortage and insufficient uniform access to quality care. Aging population, difficulties with physician retention, and mobility of health care professionals are thought to contribute to this problem. Because of the differences in medical education and residency curriculum across the European countries, there is a need for a standardized training and certification. Current government initiatives are geared toward developing common policies and programs across the EU countries to address health care access...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Robert Saadi, Dana Goldenberg, David Goldenberg
Technology is integral to the diverse diagnostics and interventions of Otolaryngology. Historically, major advances in this field derive from advances of associated technologies. Challenges of visualization and surgical access are increasingly overcome by integrating endoscopic, electronic, and robotic instruments. Otolaryngology is often limited to urban areas and large academic centers, making it difficult to allocate care and resources to many underserved populations. The widespread use of technology has important implications in regards to global access to this field as telemedicine is most effectively applied to specialties that are heavily reliant on data and visuals that may be electronically disseminated...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Brian D Westerberg, Miriam N Lango
In North America, underserved and vulnerable populations experience poorer health outcomes despite greater per capita health care expenditures. Biologic, behavioral, and socioeconomic factors lead to more advanced disease presentation that may necessitate disparate treatment. Additionally, vulnerable populations are more likely to obtain care from low-volume providers, and are more likely to receive inappropriate care. Disparities in care are exacerbated by the distribution of the physician workforce and limited participation by physicians in the care of vulnerable populations...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
James D Smith, Keng Lu Tan
The Asia-Pacific region has 60% of the world's population. There is a huge variability in ethnic groups, geography, diseases, and income. The otolaryngology workforce depends on the number of medical graduates, training programs, scope of practice, and available employment. Training has been influenced by the British, Russian, and US training systems, and by local influences and experience. Otolaryngologic diseases are similar to those seen in the United States but with ethnic and regional differences. There are opportunities for humanitarian service but the most sustainable projects will include repetitive visits with transfer of knowledge...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Shelly Chadha, Alarcos Cieza
The World Health Organization (WHO) addresses ear diseases and hearing loss through its program on prevention of deafness and hearing loss. Recently, the World Health Assembly called for action at global and national levels to tackle the rising prevalence and adverse impact of unaddressed hearing loss. Following a public health approach toward this issue, WHO is focusing on i) raising awareness among policymakers and civil society; and ii) providing technical support to countries for promoting hearing care...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Regan W Bergmark, David A Shaye, Mark G Shrime
Surgical access is inadequate for most people. The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery established 6 indicators to measure surgical access: geographic accessibility, density of surgical providers, number of procedures performed, perioperative mortality, impoverishing expenditure, and catastrophic expenditure. Otolaryngology surgical, training, and research efforts use these 6 indicators to maximize impact and coordination of worldwide efforts in surgery. Research must be rigorous and consider the counterfactual...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Johannes J Fagan
Surgeons in sub-Saharan Africa face different challenges than those in developed countries: extreme shortages of otolaryngologists, speech pathologists, and audiologists; lack of training opportunities; and a paucity of otolaryngology services aggravated by population growth and aging. In addition to common Western diseases, patients have otolaryngology complications related to the human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis, malaria, and trauma. Less than 5% of the population has access to timely, safe, affordable surgery; 29 out of 52 African countries have no radiotherapy services...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Pankaj Chaturvedi, Hitesh Singhavi, Akshat Malik, Deepa Nair
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are amongst the most common cancers in certain parts of the world. Low-income and low middle- income countries make up 65% of newly diagnosed HNSCC cases annually and account for about 75% of HNSCC global mortality. These countries also suffer from a significant shortage of skilled labor, equipment, and health facilities. This article discusses the burden of HNSCCs in developing countries and the differences in outcomes compared with developed countries.
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Ryan H Belcher, David W Molter, Steven L Goudy
Despite humanitarian otolaryngology groups traveling in record numbers to resource-limited areas treating pediatric otolaryngology disease processes and training local providers, there remains a large burden of unmet needs. There is a meager amount of published information that comes from the developing world from an otolaryngology standpoint. As would be expected, the little information that does comes involves some of the most common pediatric otolaryngology diseases and surgical burdens including childhood hearing loss, otitis media, adenotonsillectomies, airway obstructions requiring tracheostomies, foreign body aspirations, and craniomaxillofacial surgeries, including cleft lip and palate...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Melyssa Hancock, Michael Hoa, Sonya Malekzadeh
Advances in modern communications and information technology have helped to improve access to, and quality of, health care and education. These enhancements include a variety of World Wide Web-based and mobile learning platforms, such as eLearning, mLearning, and open education resources. This article highlights the innovative approaches that have fostered improved collaboration and coordination of global health efforts in otolaryngology.
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Adam Master, Eric Wilkinson, Richard Wagner
Chronic ear disease is a major cause of acquired hearing loss in the developing world. It is prevalent on every continent, but occurs more commonly in poorer nations owing to a lack of preventative measures. This article outlines the particular challenges in treating this disease in the developing world, including a discussion of surgical management and special situations. Otosclerosis is another surgically treatable cause of hearing loss that is found throughout the developing world. Surgeons working in these environments should be prepared to deal with advanced otosclerotic disease...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
George Richard Holt, Kevin Christopher McMains, Randal A Otto
Evaluating and providing global health assistance, humanitarian aid, and medical missions to Middle Eastern countries can be rewarding and challenging. A broad spectrum of financial capabilities supports effective health care delivery and infrastructure. Middle East tension can make obtaining a visa difficult. Personal safety considerations may hinder efforts to develop and carry out clinical and educational programs. Several Middle East countries have sophisticated and modern health care systems. Medical education and specialty training compares with that of Western medicine...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Anastasios Maniakas, Louise Davies, Mark E Zafereo
Thyroid disease is one of the most common pathologies in the world, with two of the most clinically important subgroups being iodine deficiency and thyroid goiter, and thyroid cancer. This review looks at the current state of thyroid disease in the world and evaluates the future direction in terms of thyroid disease treatment and prevention. Several of the most impactful epidemiologic studies are presented and analyzed, as well as a brief overview of the current socioeconomic burden of disease.
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Clifford Scott Brown, Susan D Emmett, Samantha Kleindienst Robler, Debara L Tucci
Hearing loss is the fourth leading contributor to years lived with a disability worldwide. Most recent estimates indicate that one-half of a billion people suffer from disabling hearing loss worldwide. The social and economic burden is significant. When attributing monetary value to years lived with disability owing to hearing loss, there is greater than $US750 billion lost each year globally. There are numerous contributors to hearing loss, including congenital, infectious, noise exposure, age-related, traumatic, and immune-mediated causes...
June 2018: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Blake S Wilson, Debara L Tucci, Michael H Merson, Gerard M O'Donoghue
In 2015, approximately half a billion people had disabling hearing loss, about 6ยท8% of the world's population. These numbers are substantially higher than estimates published before 2013, and point to the growing importance of hearing loss and global hearing health care. In this Review, we describe the burden of hearing loss and offer our and others' recommendations for halting and then reversing the continuing increases in this burden. Low-cost possibilities exist for prevention of hearing loss, as do unprecedented opportunities to reduce the generally high treatment costs...
December 2, 2017: Lancet
Glenn Isaacson, Abebe Melaku
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To determine the safety and effectiveness of pediatric tympanoplasty performed on short-term international medical missions. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational study. METHODS: Ethiopian children who had dry or nearly dry tympanic perforations and bilateral conductive hearing losses underwent postauricular tympanoplasties with underlain temporalis fascia grafts. Pre- and postoperative air and bone audiometry was performed...
June 2016: Laryngoscope
Foster Tochukwu Orji, Benjamin O Dike, Onuoha Oji
The major burden of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is the embarrassing ear discharge which may last for few months to many years or even a lifetime with increasing risks of complications. We conducted this study to determine the risk factors for protracted non-healing ear discharge among CSOM patients. We carried out a retrospective analysis of non-cholesteatomatous CSOM patients treated in a tertiary hospital in a developing country. Comparison was made between 128 patients with ear discharge persisting beyond 24 months and 58 patients whose otorrhoea resolved within 6 months in terms of socio-demographic and other potential risk factors...
October 2015: European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology
Susan D Emmett, Debara L Tucci, Magteld Smith, Isaac M Macharia, Serah N Ndegwa, Doreen Nakku, Kaitesi B Mukara, Mukara B Kaitesi, Titus S Ibekwe, Wakisa Mulwafu, Wenfeng Gong, Howard W Francis, James E Saunders
HYPOTHESIS: Cochlear implantation and deaf education are cost effective in Sub-Saharan Africa. BACKGROUND: Cost effectiveness of pediatric cochlear implantation has been well established in developed countries but is unknown in low resource settings, where access to the technology has traditionally been limited. With incidence of severe-to-profound congenital sensorineural hearing loss 5 to 6 times higher in low/middle-income countries than the United States and Europe, developing cost-effective management strategies in these settings is critical...
September 2015: Otology & Neurotology
Travis T Tollefson, David Shaye, Blythe Durbin-Johnson, Omid Mehdezadeh, Leonard Mahomva, Midion Chidzonga
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate the prevalence and unmet need for cleft lip-cleft palate reconstructive surgery by using incidence. Our hypotheses were that the age of presentation to screening clinics will decrease between 2006 and 2012, and the geospatial distribution of cases will expand to a more rural catchment area. STUDY DESIGN: Longitudinal cross-sectional/geospatial distribution study. METHODS: An online, secure database was created from intake forms for children with cleft lip-cleft palate (N=604) in Zimbabwe (2006-2012)...
February 2015: Laryngoscope
Kyle J Chambers, Joyce Aswani, Asmeeta Patel, Christopher Fundakowski, Kyle Mannion, Derrick T Lin, James Netterville
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To determine the value of a collaborative course for advanced head and neck surgery in East Africa. STUDY DESIGN: Survey of participants. METHODS: A 3-day course in head and neck surgery was designed for otolaryngologists and trainees from Kenya and surrounding countries through a collaborative effort between Kenyatta National Hospital, the University of Nairobi, and the Head and Neck Divisions from the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary...
April 2015: Laryngoscope
2015-02-23 21:09:26
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