(no author information available yet)
These guidelines review what is known about the epidemiology, causes, management, and prevention of suicide and attempted suicide in young people. Detailed guidelines are provided concerning the assessment and emergency management of the children and adolescents who present with suicidal behavior. The guidelines also present suggestions on how the clinician may interface with the community. Crisis hotlines, method restriction, educational programs, and screening/ case-finding suicide prevention strategies are examined, and the clinician is advised on media counseling...
July 2001: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Nadine M Melhem, Giovanna Porta, Maria A Oquendo, Jamie Zelazny, John G Keilp, Satish Iyengar, Ainsley Burke, Boris Birmaher, Barbara Stanley, J John Mann, David A Brent
IMPORTANCE: Predicting suicidal behavior continues to be among the most challenging tasks in psychiatry. OBJECTIVES: To examine the trajectories of clinical predictors of suicide attempt (specifically, depression symptoms, hopelessness, impulsivity, aggression, impulsive aggression, and irritability) for their ability to predict suicide attempt and to compute a risk score for suicide attempts. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This is a longitudinal study of the offspring of parents (or probands) with mood disorders who were recruited from inpatient units at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (Pittsburgh) and New York State Psychiatric Institute...
June 1, 2019: JAMA Psychiatry
Amy S B Bohnert, Mark A Ilgen
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 380, Issue 1, Page 71-79, January 2019.
January 3, 2019: New England Journal of Medicine
Samuel T Wilkinson, Elizabeth D Ballard, Michael H Bloch, Sanjay J Mathew, James W Murrough, Adriana Feder, Peter Sos, Gang Wang, Carlos A Zarate, Gerard Sanacora
OBJECTIVE: Suicide is a public health crisis with limited treatment options. The authors conducted a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis examining the effects of a single dose of ketamine on suicidal ideation. METHOD: Individual participant data were obtained from 10 of 11 identified comparison intervention studies that used either saline or midazolam as a control treatment. The analysis included only participants who had suicidal ideation at baseline (N=167)...
February 1, 2018: American Journal of Psychiatry
Jie Song, Arvid Sjölander, Erik Joas, Sarah E Bergen, Bo Runeson, Henrik Larsson, Mikael Landén, Paul Lichtenstein
OBJECTIVE: Conclusions regarding lithium's antisuicidal effect for bipolar disorder have been limited due to nonrepresentative subjects and potential confounding factors, including varying severity of illness. Findings regarding the effect of valproate, the most common alternative to lithium, are inconsistent for suicidal behavior. This study investigated the associations of these two drugs with the risk of suicide-related events, and possible differences between drugs, by using within-individual designs in a register-based longitudinal cohort...
August 1, 2017: American Journal of Psychiatry
Daniel Thomas Chung, Christopher James Ryan, Dusan Hadzi-Pavlovic, Swaran Preet Singh, Clive Stanton, Matthew Michael Large
IMPORTANCE: High rates of suicide after psychiatric hospitalization are reported in many studies, yet the magnitude of the increases and the factors underlying them remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the rates of suicide after discharge from psychiatric facilities and examine what moderates those rates. DATA SOURCES: English-language, peer-reviewed publications published from January 1, 1946, to May 1, 2016, were located using MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and EMBASE with the search terms ((suicid*)...
July 1, 2017: JAMA Psychiatry
Herbert Y Meltzer, Larry Alphs, Alan I Green, A Carlo Altamura, Ravi Anand, Alberto Bertoldi, Marc Bourgeois, Guy Chouinard, M Zahur Islam, John Kane, Ranga Krishnan, J P Lindenmayer, Steven Potkin
BACKGROUND: Approximately 50% of patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder attempt suicide, and approximately 10% die of suicide. Study results suggest that clozapine therapy significantly reduces suicidal behavior in these patients. METHODS: A multicenter, randomized, international, 2-year study comparing the risk for suicidal behavior in patients treated with clozapine vs olanzapine was conducted in 980 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, 26...
January 2003: Archives of General Psychiatry
Noreen A Reilly-Harrington, Richard C Shelton, Masoud Kamali, Dustin J Rabideau, Leah W Shesler, Madhukar H Trivedi, Susan L McElroy, Louisa G Sylvia, Charles L Bowden, Terence A Ketter, Joseph R Calabrese, Michael E Thase, William V Bobo, Thilo Deckersbach, Mauricio Tohen, Melvin G McInnis, James H Kocsis, Alexandra K Gold, Vivek Singh, Daniel M Finkelstein, Gustavo Kinrys, Andrew A Nierenberg
BACKGROUND: Few brief, self-report measures exist that can reliably predict adverse suicidality outcomes in patients with BD. This study utilized the Concise Health Risk Tracking Self-Report (CHRT) to assess suicidality in patients with BD and examined its psychometric performance, clinical correlates, and prospective value in predicting adverse events related to suicidality. METHODS: The CHRT was administered at baseline and follow-up to 482 adult patients in Bipolar CHOICE, a 6-month randomized comparative effectiveness trial...
March 1, 2016: Journal of Affective Disorders
Dale C Hesdorffer, Lianna Ishihara, David J Webb, Lakshmi Mynepalli, Nicholas W Galwey, W Allen Hauser
IMPORTANCE: People with epilepsy have a 5-fold increased risk of suicide. Less is known about attempted suicide and whether psychiatric disorders and antiepileptic drugs modify the risk of attempted suicide. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the magnitude of the association between attempted suicide and epilepsy by comparing a first suicide attempt and a second suicide attempt (hereafter referred to as a recurrent suicide attempt) among people before they received a diagnosis of epilepsy (case patients) with a first suicide attempt and a recurrent suicide attempt among people without epilepsy (control patients), and to evaluate the effect of comorbid psychiatric disorders and the exclusion of antiepileptic drug prescriptions on this association...
January 2016: JAMA Psychiatry
Galen Chin-Lun Hung, Chia-Tzu Cheng, Jia-Rong Jhong, Shang-Ying Tsai, Chiao-Chicy Chen, Chian-Jue Kuo
OBJECTIVE: People with alcohol dependence suffer from poor health outcomes, including excessive suicide mortality. This study estimated the suicide rate and explored the risk and protective factors for suicide in a large-scale Asian population. METHOD: We enrolled patients with alcohol dependence (ICD-9 code 303**) consecutively admitted to a psychiatric center in northern Taiwan from January 1, 1985, through December 31, 2008 (N = 2,793). Using patient linkage to the national mortality database (1985-2008), we determined that 960 patients died during the study period...
December 2015: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Katalin Szanto, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Andrew M Parker, Michael N Hallquist, Polina M Vanyukov, Alexandre Y Dombrovski
OBJECTIVE: The propensity of people vulnerable to suicide to make poor life decisions is increasingly well documented. Do they display an extreme degree of decision biases? The present study used a behavioral-decision approach to examine the susceptibility of low-lethality and high-lethality suicide attempters to common decision biases that may ultimately obscure alternative solutions and deterrents to suicide in a crisis. METHOD: We assessed older and middle-aged (42-97 years) individuals who made high-lethality (medically serious) (n = 31) and low-lethality suicide attempts (n = 29)...
December 2015: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Dolores Angela Castelli Dransart, Jean-Luc Heeb, Alida Gulfi, Elisabeth M Gutjahr
BACKGROUND: Patient suicide is a professional hazard for mental health professionals and an event likely to trigger stress reactions among them. This study aimed to identify typical profiles of professionals after a patient suicide to address the severity of stress reactions and its discriminant variables. METHODS: Mental health professionals (N = 666) working in institutional settings or private practice in the French-speaking part of Switzerland filled out a self-administered questionnaire including the IES-R (Impact of Event Scale-Revised)...
October 28, 2015: BMC Psychiatry
Marian E Betz, Edwin D Boudreaux
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2016: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Nadine Dougall, Paul Lambert, Margaret Maxwell, Alison Dawson, Richard Sinnott, Susan McCafferty, Carole Morris, David Clark, Anthea Springbett
BACKGROUND: Studies have rarely explored suicides completed following discharge from both general and psychiatric hospital settings. Such research might identify additional opportunities for intervention. AIMS: To identify and summarise Scottish psychiatric and general hospital records for individuals who have died by suicide. METHOD: A linked data study of deaths by suicide, aged ≥15 years from 1981 to 2010. RESULTS: This study reports on a UK data-set of individuals who died by suicide (n = 16 411), of whom 66% (n = 10 907) had linkable previous hospital records...
2014: British Journal of Psychiatry
Merete Nordentoft, Mette Søgaard
Persons who are treated at hospital after attempted suicide comprise a high-risk group for suicide. The proposal for a National Programme for Prevention of Suicide and Suicide Attempt in Denmark recommends that all persons who attempt suicide should be offered treatment and that treatment should be implemented, using a supportive and guiding principle. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether patients receive psychiatric evaluation after a suicide attempt, and whether they receive the psychiatric treatment to which they are referred...
2005: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
D Wasserman, Z Rihmer, D Rujescu, M Sarchiapone, M Sokolowski, D Titelman, G Zalsman, Z Zemishlany, V Carli
UNLABELLED: Suicide is a major public health problem in the WHO European Region accounting for over 150,000 deaths per year. SUICIDAL CRISIS: Acute intervention should start immediately in order to keep the patient alive. DIAGNOSIS: An underlying psychiatric disorder is present in up to 90% of people who completed suicide. Comorbidity with depression, anxiety, substance abuse and personality disorders is high. In order to achieve successful prevention of suicidality, adequate diagnostic procedures and appropriate treatment for the underlying disorder are essential...
February 2012: European Psychiatry: the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists
Ian R H Rockett, Eric D Caine
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2015: JAMA Psychiatry
Stephen S O'Connor, Katherine Anne Comtois, Jin Wang, Joan Russo, Roselyn Peterson, Leiszle Lapping-Carr, Douglas Zatzick
OBJECTIVE: The current study endeavored to establish the feasibility and acceptability of a brief intervention for medically admitted suicide attempt survivors. METHOD: Fifty patients admitted to a Level 1 trauma center were recruited following a suicide attempt. The first 10 patients provided information on what constituted usual care, which in turn informed the creation of the intervention manual and research design. The next 10 patients informed refinement of the intervention and research procedures...
September 2015: General Hospital Psychiatry
Lauren M Denneson, Holly B Williams, Mark S Kaplan, Bentson H McFarland, Steven K Dobscha
OBJECTIVE: We describe Veterans Affairs (VA) primary care received by veterans with mental health symptoms in the year prior to suicide to identify opportunities to improve care. METHOD: Death certificate data from 11 states were linked to VA national patient care data for veterans who died by suicide in 2009 and had received VA care. We identified 118 age-, sex- and clinician-matched case-control pairs (suicide decedents and living controls) with mental health symptoms...
January 2016: General Hospital Psychiatry
Rebecca A Bernert, Joanne S Kim, Naomi G Iwata, Michael L Perlis
Increasing research indicates that sleep disturbances may confer increased risk for suicidal behaviors, including suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and death by suicide. Despite increased investigation, a number of methodological problems present important limitations to the validity and generalizability of findings in this area, which warrant additional focus. To evaluate and delineate sleep disturbances as an evidence-based suicide risk factor, a systematic review of the extant literature was conducted with methodological considerations as a central focus...
March 2015: Current Psychiatry Reports
2015-10-10 08:08:58
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