Christian Jung, Raphael Romano Bruno, Marwan Jumean, Susanna Price, Konstantin A Krychtiuk, Kollengode Ramanathan, Josef Dankiewicz, John French, Clement Delmas, Alexandra-Arias Mendoza, Holger Thiele, Sabri Soussi
The management of cardiogenic shock is an ongoing challenge. Despite all efforts and tremendous use of resources, mortality remains high. Whilst reversing the underlying cause, restoring/maintaining organ perfusion and function are cornerstones of management. The presence of comorbidities and preexisting organ dysfunction increases management complexity, aiming to integrate the needs of vital organs in each individual patient. This review provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary literature regarding the definition and classification of cardiogenic shock, its pathophysiology, diagnosis, laboratory evaluation, and monitoring...
September 10, 2024: Intensive Care Medicine