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2 Minute Medicine ® - Public Health

Collection of high-impact paper summaries that have been hand-picked, written and peer-reviewed by practicing clinicians. Provides 2 minute summarization and application to bedside care. Updated weekly.
Jayden Berdugo, Alex Chan
1. In a cohort of Canadian children, higher ultraprocessed food (UPF) consumption comprised almost half of their energy intake. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Ultraprocessed food (UPF) consumption has increased globally, with Canada among the top five countries for the greatest sales of UPF. Many consumers opt for UPF foods since they are easily available, stable for long periods of time, and nutrient dense. One concern is the association between diet and chronic disease, with diet being a modifiable risk factor for many diseases...
February 5, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Jayden Berdugo, Thomas Su
1. In this randomized crossover trial, differences in mean blood pressure readings between private and public settings were minimal. 2. Blood pressure measurements also did not differ significantly between loud and quiet public spaces. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Study Rundown: Despite clinical guidelines for hypertension highlighting the importance of proper patient orientation for blood pressure (BP) measurement, BP screening is often done in loud spaces. Previous studies on BP have focused on comparing measurements taken in a home or community versus a physician’s office...
February 3, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Simon Pan, Alex Chan
1. Among female patients with positive human papillomavirus (HPV) test results and negative intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (NILM) findings on cytology, less than half received the surveillance follow-up testing within the timeframe set forth by the 2019 American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) guidelines. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) The current ASCCP guidelines for patients who receive a positive HPV test result and a normal NILM result recommend 2 consecutive negative annual results to return to routine screening...
January 25, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Junghoon Ko, Thomas Su
1. In this cross-sectional study, distance to the nearest lung cancer screening facility was greater in American Indian/Alaska Native-majority census tracts compared to non-Hispanic White-majority census tracts, even after adjustment for rurality. 2. Asian-, Black-, and Hispanic-majority census tracts exhibited shorter distances to lung cancer screening facilities than non-Hispanic White-majority census tracts. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Despite advancements in immunotherapy and targeted therapy, lung cancer remains the third most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States...
January 17, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Jayden Berdugo, Thomas Su
1. In this mixed-methods study, the number of patient-initiated online portal messages moderately decreased with the implementation of e-visit billing. 2. The majority of providers who completed the survey approved of the e-visit billing system, but there were some concerns regarding the operational process and the potential for increased administrative burden. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Over the last few years, patients have been submitting messages to their healthcare providers online at an increasing rate...
January 13, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Adrian Wong, Thomas Su
1. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, postdischarge contacts did not significantly affect hospital readmission rates, emergency department use, or unplanned health care use in general within 30 days of discharge compared with usual care. 2. Most included studies did not report a significant effect on patient satisfaction associated with postdischarge contacts. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Study Rundown: Patients who have been newly discharged from hospital often engage in further health care use, including readmission and emergency department (ED) visits...
January 13, 2025: 2 Minute Medicine
Paary Balakumar, Alex Chan
High volume-rate echocardiography for simultaneous imaging of electromechanical activation and cardiac strain of the whole heart in a single heartbeat in humans : 1. Non-invasive high volume-rate echocardiography was shown to be a novel but efficacious means of assessing cardiac function in a single heartbeat.  Evidence Rating Level: 3 (Average) Currently, there are no noninvasive techniques to image the mechanical and electrical function of the heart. This is important as the mechanical and electrical function of the heart are interconnected and pathologies in one can affect the other...
December 30, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Paary Balakumar, Alex Chan
1. HbA1C levels were not associated with the number of antibiotic prescriptions in type 2 diabetic  patients followed at primary care sites Evidence Rating Level: 3 (Average) Study Rundown: Diabetes is one of the most common medical conditions worldwide and affected 537 million people worldwide in 2021. Management of diabetes focuses on glycemic control through lifestyle interventions (diet and physical activity), oral antidiabetic treatments, insulin use, and the screening/management of microvascular and macrovascular complications...
December 16, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Jayden Berdugo, Alex Chan
1. In a cohort of youths during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, mental health symptoms were worse in youth living in higher-income households compared to youth living in lower-income households.  Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: The COVID-19 virus spread rapidly throughout the world, and to decrease spreading measures, several lockdowns were initiated. Although the lockdown had some positive effects on the spread of the virus, it significantly negatively impacted youths, particularly their mental health...
December 15, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Anna Yang, Kiera Liblik
1. In this randomized controlled trial, it was found that GA2, a late-arresting, genetically attenuated Plasmodium falciparum parasite, induced greater protective efficacy and cellular immunogenicity against malaria compared to GA1, an early-arresting parasite, and placebo. 2. No significant difference in the incidence and severity of adverse effects was observed between groups, and no serious adverse events occurred during the trial. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Study Rundown:  The malaria vaccines currently approved by the World Health Organization are subunit vaccines that only provide modest and short-lived protection...
December 13, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Shagun Jain, Kiera Liblik
1. In this randomized non-inferiority trial, 40% of a full dose of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was noninferior to the full doses for all included serotypes. 2.  Lower doses of the PCV13 and 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) did not meet criteria for noninferiority.  Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown:  The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is highly effective at reducing vaccine-type pneumococcal disease. This vaccine has been introduced as part of routine recommended vaccinations globally...
December 12, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Michaela Dowling, Kiera Liblik
1. In this prospective cohort study, genetic screening among Australian reproductive couples was widely accepted and associated with low decisional regret. 2. Three out of four couples identified as having an increased risk of having a child with a genetic condition opted for reproductive interventions . Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Reproductive genetic screening offers individuals insight into their risk of having a child affected by genetic conditions, particularly X-linked or autosomal recessive ones...
December 11, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Michaela Dowling, Kiera Liblik
1. In this cluster-randomized controlled trial, it was found that a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) schedule involving a single primary dose plus a booster (1p+1) was noninferior to previously recommended schedules (3p+0 and 2p+1) in children under three years of age. 2. PCV10 demonstrates evidence of cross-protection against serotype 6A. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Study Rundown: PCVs provide significant protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae , a bacterium responsible for substantial childhood morbidity and mortality...
December 11, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Junghoon Ko, Thomas Su
1. In this prospective study, polysocial and polygenic risk scores were independently associated with incident coronary heart disease. 2. Further, incorporation of polysocial and polygenic risk scores for coronary heart disease into pre-existing clinical risk calculators improved their performance. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Coronary heart disease (CHD), like many other conditions, results from the interplay of numerous genetic and environmental factors. Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) quantify genetic susceptibility whereas polysocial scores (PSSs) account for the effects of various environmental factors on health outcomes, including social determinants of health (SDOH) and lifestyle-psychologic factors...
December 9, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Jayden Berdugo, Alex Chan
1. Compared to the general population, survivors of childhood cancer had a greater association with negative employment transition.  2. There was an association between negative employment transition and chronic health conditions, and individuals with more chronic health conditions had worse transitions. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good)  Study Rundown: Survival rates for pediatric cancer have been increasing and have even surpassed 85% with more than 500 000 adult survivors living in the United States. Studies in the past have found higher association between childhood cancer survival and unemployment rates, however, this association has not been well understood...
December 4, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Simon Pan, Alex Chan
1. Influenza vaccination was associated with a reduced risk of secondary influenza infections among household contacts, with an estimated effectiveness of 21%. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Influenza vaccinations are recommended for all individuals aged 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of influenza infection. However, while the effectiveness of influenza vaccines in preventing serious disease and hospitalization has been investigated, the effectiveness of influenza vaccines in preventing any influenza infection regardless of symptoms as well as secondary infections has not been well characterized...
December 1, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Junghoon Ko, Thomas Su
1. In this modeling study, the cost-effectiveness and number needed to vaccinate of mid-adult human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination improved when limited to those at higher risk for acquiring HPV infection. 2. HPV vaccination of mid-adults was found to be significantly less cost-effective and required a higher number needed to vaccinate compared to the vaccination of persons 26 years of age and younger. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) virus which is known to cause genital warts and various forms of cancer, including cervical and oropharyngeal...
November 26, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Siwen Liu, Alex Chan
1. Adverse events were identified in more than one third of patients admitted to hospital for surgery, nearly half of which were classified as major adverse events and most potentially preventable. 2. The most common adverse events were associated with surgical procedures, followed by adverse drug events, healthcare-associated infections, and patient care events.  Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Adverse events during hospital admission significantly contribute to patient harm. The landmark Harvard Medical Practice Study conducted in the 1980s revealed that nearly half of the estimated incidence and preventability of adverse events during hospital care were linked with surgical procedures ...
November 20, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Jayden Berdugo, Alex Chan
1. In this randomized clinical trial, the safety profile, including reactogenicity, was similar between the simultaneous or sequential administration of the quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4) and COVID-19 vaccine. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent)  Getting vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 have been associated with a decreased number of hospitalizations and deaths due to respective infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it is recommended that these vaccines be given simultaneously at different anatomic sites...
November 17, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
Junghoon Ko, Thomas Su
1. In this retrospective cohort study, fecal immunochemical test completion rates in individuals aged 45 to 49 years were slightly higher than those aged 50 years, and positivity rates were slightly lower in the younger cohort. 2. Receipt of colonoscopy after a positive fecal immunochemical test was similar in both age groups, but the false-positive rate was higher among the younger group. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide...
November 4, 2024: 2 Minute Medicine
2024-11-05 10:01:46
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