Charles L Sprung, Djillali Annane, Didier Keh, Rui Moreno, Mervyn Singer, Klaus Freivogel, Yoram G Weiss, Julie Benbenishty, Armin Kalenka, Helmuth Forst, Pierre-Francois Laterre, Konrad Reinhart, Brian H Cuthbertson, Didier Payen, Josef Briegel
BACKGROUND: Hydrocortisone is widely used in patients with septic shock even though a survival benefit has been reported only in patients who remained hypotensive after fluid and vasopressor resuscitation and whose plasma cortisol levels did not rise appropriately after the administration of corticotropin. METHODS: In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we assigned 251 patients to receive 50 mg of intravenous hydrocortisone and 248 patients to receive placebo every 6 hours for 5 days; the dose was then tapered during a 6-day period...
January 10, 2008: New England Journal of Medicine